Thursday, 30 August 2012

Masterclass with Lucy Porter

I wasn't early and managed to get a seat at the front , yes!

Everyone sounded really excited: a cooking masterclass with Lucy Porter, this is not something you can see everyday.
The comedian would be on stage the same day for the Fringe festival, and as a cooking aficionado she popped in the foodies as well.

As soon as she entered the tent I was surprised to see that she was as tall as me (which isn't a lot!), and she just enlightened the audience with her smile.

Lucy told us through the meal she was about to demonstrate, and for this she called out for single girls in the audience (I stared at my feet).
"If you are single don't eat this on your own because this is really fattening, however cook it for your date, it's a good aphrodisiac!" (Laugh from the audience).

The dish was a warm salad, with potatoes, chorizo, red wine and oysters. I say!

The rest of the masterclass was all over the place: it was more like a girlfriend showing you how to make a dish than a proper professional demonstration, but that's what everyone loved.

While chopping, Lucy told us all about her two babies, and how her husband made them pose with cans of beers taped to their hands for mother day: "we are bad parents" she laughed.

She also told the story of her wedding and meeting her in laws: "I swear it smells of lavender when they fart!".

The recipe? pretty simple:
Take some really good quality chorizo, the one you can cook, and place it in a pan with red wine.
Boil some potatoes.
When the potatoes are boiled, put them into the simmering chorizo and red wine.
Lay some fresh salad leaves on a plate, and serve the potatoes and chorizo stew on top.
Finally add the oysters on top of it all.

It looked and smelled great, a perfect autumn salad.

To hear my interview with Lucy:

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